Sunday, December 29, 2013

Draking and Driving

We have all been a victim of “Draking and Driving.” You can say you haven’t but you definitely have. Drake is a great artist but some of his songs will have you sitting in your feelings all crazy. You will just be listening to his album, bumpin it, then a song come on that will have you thinking about life. Life and that random person that gave you a long hug in 9th grade. That person that you had a random conversation with at a random house party, who said they would call you and never called. Then he got songs where you save your tears in a jar so you can show someone how much they hurt you. Listening to 1 drake song is all good because sometimes it won’t get you there but listening to a whole album is another story.
            This is not up for debate because I have witnessed people who have listened to a whole Drake album and want to visit there past. When they say, “I am feeling like Drake,” yeah that’s a new emotion like love or hate. I am Draking right now. Honestly sit there and listen to a Drake album and tell me if you don’t feel weird.
I finally decided to listen to Drake’s new album on my way to the Knick’s game the other day. Let me tell you how I was going thru my phone all crazy trying to hit up a couple chicks from my past.  Drake song with Jhene Aiko (From Time) came on and I was like “dam this shit right here though.” Thank god I delete numbers and move on. I was definitely Draking and driving the other day. Don’t get me wrong, he has some joints on there that pop but other songs that just make you go deep into your memories. I remember a girl from high school that wanted to share her pizza with me. I would have married her if I were listening to Drake. Just cause she shared some pizza with me. Don’t become a victim of Draking and driving. When listening to a Drake album, throw some 2 Chainz, J.Cole, Wale, Jay-Z in the mix. You can’t listen to a Drake album straight thru. Also don't Drake and Drive, it is very dangerous.

$200 Dates

So this topic has been coming up a lot in social media circles that I am in. I have no clue why but it started with $200 dates, jumped to $500 dates, then back down to $200 dates. I was so confused on why some people think they deserve $200 dates. Some people expect a $200 date EVERY TIME and nobody got time for that honestly. If you living the “$200 date every time”, life be my guest but I will not be a victim.

83% of people have no clue what a date is and should not expect a $200 date anytime soon. $200 dates are possible but if you don’t know what a date consists of then you wouldn’t know what a $200 date looks like. Most of the standard dates I hear about are dinner and a movie. Yes dinner and a movie can cost $200 but do you really want it to cost that much? Makes no sense to me honestly, unless you’re going to a high-class restaurant and movie theater. If you are on a first date don’t expect anything fancy. If you’ve been dating this person for awhile you should know there budget and if they will bring you on a $200 date. If you’re in a relationship with someone they probably took you on a $200 date that you clearly where not aware of.

Before thinking you deserve a $200 date, define what you think a date is. Most dates are not always fun and just because you spend more money on a date doesn’t mean it will be the best date you’ve ever been on or had. 

These are just my random thoughts.

Friday, November 29, 2013

(Poem) Random Guy

I randomly do things just because
Never needing a reason to make people smile
Yeah I’m that random guy
Randomly telling friends how much I appreciate them
Caring too much for the people closest to me
Never needing anything in return
I am that random guy
Randomly dragging people on adventures
Making sure everyone has a smile
Celebrating those people who deserve to be celebrated
Randomly loving the people around me
Experiencing life in a new light
To be random is to be different
Doing things “just because”
Just so everyone is wearing the same smile I’m wearing
Life is too short not to be happy
So why not share my happiness randomly?
The best happiness is the one that is never expected
From the people who appreciate you the most
Never needing a reason to be me and make people happy
I am that random guy

~Kevin Pierre

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Chill Session VS Date

                Chill session and dates are 2 different things that I think everyone needs to consider. I take people out on chill sessions over dates. They both mean 2 different things. A chill session is more like the beginning steps of learning about someone. I consider a date a mutual understanding between 2 individuals who would like to grow together and eventually occupy each other’s time.
Why have 2 classifications? People assume WAY toooo much when you take them out and consider everything a date. How about no, this is a chill session and we are friends. We are enjoying each other’s company. People expect so much from dates and when they don’t get it they look at you crazy. No, we are just 2 individuals having a great time together and this is not a date. In this day and age everyone considers everything a date. Hold on, wait a minute . . . can I learn about you first? Or na?
So let’s elaborate a bit, a chill session is meant for those who just want to get to know someone and have a great time. Not saying you won’t have a great time on date just saying you aren’t looking for anything special from this person, in a sense. A date is more so thought out and planned. You go into detail with what you do with this individual because you might want to build something better with them. No one said anything about a $200 date, that’s another topic.
If you barely know what a date is you will never know what one feels like. Don’t set your expectations too high for anything just because you may be let down by disappointment. Before thinking you deserve a $200 date first establish what a date is and will that even be fun. If you are just vibing, just vibe and go on chill sessions so you don’t let someone think you expect more from a date.

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Communication Chasing (Part 2)

Like I said before, “If you have to chase someone for communication then you need to decide if they are worth the chase.” With all the forms of communication out in this world people always seem to have a problem communicating. We seem to forget that communication goes two ways and that consistency always plays a part. Sometimes I feel that people will stop communicating with you off the dumbest things and expect you to chase them. In a sense they will cut you off with no explanation, expect you to know why and chase them. Why chase people who are running a different race?
I get it sometimes though; we all need our escape and would rather keep to ourselves. Although you always get those people who are like, “You never hit me up anymore”, “I cut you off because of someone else but you can still hit me up” or “I saw you got a new boo and don’t hit me up.” This generation literally has an excuse for every reason why you have to hit them up first. It cool and all but lets be direct, “I don’t want to hit you up cause I don’t feel like it.” This works right? People “expect” so many things from you. Once you get them comfortable, they expect you to continue treating them the same way and communicating the same way. Consistency in the form of communication always shows your interest level with people. I may not talk to you all the time but you still know what's going on. We communicate enough to know where we stand in each other’s lives.
Why do I have to be the one to hit you up first all the time? Some unwritten law somewhere on Google. Communication is a two way street and should be left as such no matter the situation. Yes sometimes we distance ourselves from people but chasing those individuals shouldn’t be a game. Games are for children and for someone to make you consistently chase them for communication is never good.

“Never chase people for communication, take a step back and just remember that not everyone values communication as a way of keeping friendship/relationships alive” ~KP

Also read >>> Communication Chasing

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Can We Just Be Friends?

I feel that I always have to ask people this sometimes because they always assume otherwise. This would be in reference to females of course. This would work vice versa because I know some of my female friends who have more male friends then female friends. So one of my coworkers told me that I don’t give people a chance. I am pretty sure I give people at least once chance. Even though if I know your going to waste my time or if I am not interested in having you in my circle I tell you. I feel its better to be forward with people no matter how you come off. Yes for a while I was telling people “nah I am good, you would be a waste of my time,” but it’s not like I wasn’t right. So to prove her wrong I have been giving everyone a chance. Well technically not everyone a chance because not everyone deserves a chance.
Crazy thing is people assume that you like them right out the gate. How about I get to know you first. How can you like someone you barely know? It baffles me sometimes but people do it. After getting to know someone then I figure you would build some type of feelings for them. If you think they are cool but no feelings really emerge can we just be friends? This is usually a yes and no type of thing. If you don’t establish what you want in the beginning people will immediately assume you like them and want to be with them. That’s not the case sometimes. Can we just be friends and build something? Lets lay that foundation so “maybe” something can move further, if it doesn’t we are still well established friends. Assumptions normally lead to disappointments, so never assume anything.
Just to prove my coworker wrong though I have been giving people a chance and I’ve noticed that people think I like them. Yeah not really, I am just giving you a chance to get to know you. Maybe we could be really good friends. Not that I need more friends but maybe the friendship will lead to something else. Never assume or expect anything from people, go with the flow of the world and just be happy.

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Instagram Stalker

                I previously did a topic about the Facebook Stalker but now that we have so many other popular social media sites, let’s talk about the Instagram Stalker. Let’s be clear though, instagram stalking and someone who just likes your pictures are different. Instagram is meant for people to like and/or comment you pictures. We have to identify when someone just likes our pictures and when someone is doing way too much.
                People have the notion of assuming if someone likes more than 3 pictures they are 1) either thirsting 2) they want the D or 3) stalking. You have to realize that Instagram is a place you post pictures, for people to “LIKE” duh. The thing to look out for though, are those people who like all your pictures from 65 weeks ago and then proceed to have a conversation with you on the 1st picture you ever posted on instagram. WE SEE YOU!! Instagram is a place to be stalked without you even knowing you are being stalked, honestly.  You have 100+ pictures on your IG account and they like EVERYONE OF THEM, just because.  Once again some of us have been in those situations where someone likes all our pics, we shout them out and now they think they have claim to us. No . . .NO . . .and DOUBLE NOOO.  Assumptions will get you nowhere, but be aware STALKERS come off very nonchalant or casual until you let them in. They will comment on pictures they have already commented on, unlike then like pictures again, and stalk any pictures you have been tagged in. Instagram is just another way for stalkers to be great.
            First you have to stop shouting out people who like your pictures, this is a window for stalkers to like all your pictures and start a conversation from your first picture. Second thing is to know when you are doing WAYYYY too much on instagram. It’s cool to post your new socks but when you’re posting your new socks and are half naked you’re honestly just asking to be stalked. “Hey you see a pic of my new socks on IG?” . . .Looks on IG and sees you with barely any clothes on, then see the socks in the corner of the room. It’s cool, I will let you be great but at least don’t set yourself up to be stalked. There is always a limit to what can and can’t be posted on IG.

Monday, July 22, 2013

Social Media Diary

When it comes to venting our frustrations, telling someone how you feel about them or just speaking your mind about a bad situation in your life, where is the first place you go? Most people write down thoughts, some people meditate or they find someone to talk to. Others find a different median to vent and let all their frustrations out. This would be the social media networks we all have come to know and love.

Why is that we have to go to a social media site to vent our frustration? Is it that we think everyone cares? Do we think that these people will help us? Or are we only using this as a way to reach out to the real problem? Let’s be serious, no one cares about your frustrations or your problems. Some people will genuinely care but the other 98% don’t care at all. You are just pure entertainment for them, especially if you are one of those people that use social media as a diary. I know a couple people who spill all there problems on social media and I feel like I pretty much know there life because it’s laid out in front of me. If they have a problem with someone they would rather say something about the person on a social media (without disclosing their names) instead of talking to that person and resolving the issue. Has social media consumed our lives so much that we really don’t know how to communicate with people directly anymore? We would prefer to sub-tweet (via Twitter) or indirectly post a picture status (via Instagram) about them. Are we really incapable of settling things directly instead of indirectly?

With social media being a diary for some people I feel like I really know what’s going on in people’s lives. I know who hates there baby daddy, people who are no longer friends, people who use illegal substances and want to get caught by the cops, people who don’t have a jobs, what people do in their free time, who is part of the IG modeling service and the people who are ONLY twitter famous.

Even with the fact that I am very observant person, social media has really consumed our lives and I really don't care whats going on in your life EVERY SECOND of EVERY DAY. Yes its “social” media but c’mon let’s stop putting our whole lives in this social media diary. Let’s get back to human interaction and not waiting for a crowd of people to give you a million likes so you can tell someone to go fuck themselves.

Saturday, June 15, 2013


You ever just wake up and just feel sometimes that you just want to escape? Just escape from work, school, responsibilities, problems, life and just disappear into your thoughts. Just sit in your thoughts and get clarity on what is really going on around you. We tend to rush or let situations guide our decisions without first sitting down and really thinking about them. Sometimes we become overwhelmed with a lot of things that we forget to take a step back and analyze. When we become overwhelmed with situations around us it is always good to just escape and evaluate “What's a priority and what isn’t a priority.”

The best decisions are made when you have a clear mind. When you escape into your thoughts and you analyze the situation. Just having an escape from reality relaxes your thoughts and lets you just evaluate everything currently on your plate. I have learned that you can’t escape everything and will always need to get back to it but it gives you a moment to breathe. Sometimes all we need is a moment or just a way to slow down everything that is going on around us. Some people find their escape in music or books. Others create their own escape from the world. I feel that everyone needs some type of escape just to gain clarity and not be bothered with the outside world. If you know me then you know my escape is my “cave”. I like to be away from the world to get my thoughts together and not deal with any problems. Your escape is a way of running away without really running away. It’s like your summer home where you can just relax, be away from your problems and determine your next move. You can’t let everything or everyone follow you wherever you go because this is YOUR escape. Everyone wants to escape sometimes.

" Everyone has a way out. . . a way to escape . . .a place to go to. . . be free from pain, stress, despair, people and just life. We all just need an escape to evaluate everything and relax."

Sunday, June 2, 2013


The state or quality of being loyal; faithfulness to commitments or obligations.

loyalty. (n.d.). Unabridged. Retrieved June 02, 2013, from website:

After defining our topic, lets get into what exactly loyalty is. People always bring up loyalty when you are not able to do something for them or you do something with another friend. Why is it when something doesn’t go our way we question’s someone’s loyalty? Should we already know where other people’s loyalties lie? Should we know where our loyalties already lie? I feel that loyalty goes hand in hand when creating “circles” or “friend circles”. You should be able to establish certain things and know if someone really has loyalty for you. You will never know immediately because everything takes time. Loyalty is something that takes time and is earned. People think just cause you are friends that loyalty has been established, in most cases yes, other cases no. Don’t ever think (or assume) that just because you’ve known someone for some time they have loyalty for you. As humans we are all the same, but different when it comes to loyalty for others.

One way loyalty is tested is when 2 of your friends are no longer friends and they both don’t want you to hang out with the other person. This happens a lot and in some cases it damages a lot of friendships. Even though one person thinks you should have more loyalty to them then the other person ultimately its your decision. No one should tell you where your loyalty should be placed. Other times they will hold something over your head like “oh remember that time your car broke down and I came to pick you up?” When people start to hold things over your head like this, is when you really have to take a step back and think about your friendship\relationship with that individual. If you have to hold something over my head to make me pick sides, I won’t and I’ll question your friendship for bringing things up from the past.

What sets some people apart is the loyalty they have for others. People that know that no matter what they can depend on you because of your loyalty. You always have to appreciate those people who have loyalty for you. Never take loyalty for granted and cherish those people who drop whatever they are doing to be a good person for you.
“One of the things that makes me who I am is the loyalty I have to people I hold close to my heart”

Saturday, May 25, 2013

The Bully Effect (Part 2)

Hey everyone just putting together my thoughts and I feel this is something everyone should be aware of. Bullying is something that everyone goes through but bullying deaths people really don't pay that much attention too. This is something I am very passionate about and that is just making people aware of things that they fail to realize is a big deal. Even though we may not be able to stop bullying we can always find a way to not let it get to us. Once we start to let things like this get to us then we let it define us as a person. At least once a week I check for articles about bullying deaths in 2013 that have not become mainstream because lets be honest people don't care. We should care when people are allowing social media (facebook, twitter, instagram . . .etc.) to dictate what type of person they are. We allow social media to run our lives so much that we forget that we need to define ourselves and not let these outlets define us. As we submerge ourselves farther into technology we forget that reality is whatever we see and not what others dictate for us on social media. If you have not read part 1 please click the link provided and check it out ---> The Bully Effect

Jadin Bell, died at the age of 15 after being taken off of life support because he hung himself. Jadin was bullied because he was gay.

For more information regarding Jadin Bell's story click on the two links --> Queerty & Huffington Post

Ashley Riggitano, died at the age of 22 after jumping off the George Washington Bridge. Ashley was being cyberbullied (via facebook)

For More information on Ashely Riggitano's story please click on the two links -->New York Post & Hollywood Life

Just make yourself aware of what is going on in the world. No matter how small something is, it is always good to share it with other people. As I said before, bullying will never go away but we can always find a way to not let it get to us. Bullying has no age limit so if you think just because you are older you are safe, you really aren't. Just never let anyone dictate your happiness and make you feel that you are worth nothing.

"There are going to be lots of hard times in your life, but those hard times only make you stronger in the end"

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Friend Circles

I feel that “friend circles” is not addressed enough. People just have one big group of friends and just let them mix and mingle. Let us be real though, not everyone is your friend and not everyone can mix. So we create friend circles in the hope to separate the good, the bad and the ugly. “Friend circles” is another way of knowing who you can go to for certain things and who can’t you go to. Who is down for a trip and who will flake out at the last minute. “Friend circles” does not mean everyone is your friend, it just means that you just need to separate the relevant people from the irrelevant. People like to keep irrelevant people in their lives, the people that are available sometimes but bring you down and still want something in the end. These people are still around, so you keep them in a separate circle.
            I actually have a couple circles and they are: reliable friends, only party with friends, broke friends, cheap friends, successful friends, nosey friends and the “user” friends.  Its good to have these circles because you can distinguish who your real friends are. You cant trust everyone, so to set up “friend circles” will save you the time of knowing who to avoid and who to keep around. Why not just remove the irrelevant people from your life? Well sometimes you have to deal with those people on a regular and they say “keep your friends close and your enemies closer.” If your not dealing with them on a regular tell them to keep it pushing.
            You can’t make everyone happy and not everyone is your friend but separating your groups will make life so much better. We tend to group people together just because we find it easy to manage this one large group. You should distinguish your “friends” from others because one person may belong in one group but not in another.

“A good friend is a connection to life, a tie to the past, a road to the future, the key to sanity in a totally insane world”

Saturday, April 20, 2013


So I’ve been talking to a couple people as of late and they all seem to say the same thing. They feel as though they are “undeserving” of what is given to them. They just feel that if they are treated “good” that it is too much and they don’t deserve it at the moment. When did this mentality of feeling “undeserving” start? Is it because we allow ourselves to be treated like crap all the time that when we are finally treated well it’s the wrong thing? Or is it cause we feel that someone has another agenda that the only reason they are treating us this way is because they want something?
            This can go either way for guys and girls because I feel that if you are being treated a certain way for the first time its like brand new to you. If its something good, you sometimes feel that it is too good and that you are “undeserving” of it. We are never satisfied with what we have and when we finally receive what we want or more we think that we don’t deserve it. What has brought us to this way of thinking? We sometimes let our friends “talk” in our ears influencing our decisions on what we deserve and what is considered “someone running game.”
            The truth is that this generation is confused about what they want and will think that everything they receive they aren’t ready for or undeserving. No one gets to where they are by thinking they are undeserving or not ready. You always have to check yourself so that you never do things for undeserving people or it will become an endless loop of never being happy. Even though you define your own happiness sometimes we allow other people to affect how happy we really are.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Communication Chasing

I honestly hate talking about communication because it seems to be the biggest problem that our society/generation has at the moment. We can say that we don’t have a problem but we honestly do. With all the forms of communication we have we tend to fail at communication. We feel that if someone tweets something, post a picture on instagram or likes a comment on facebook that they are okay and everything is fine. In a sense we let these things trigger if we contact them directly or not.
            If you have to chase someone for communication then I feel you just need to take a step back and decide if they are worth the chase. The way that we are constantly wired into the world and the first excuse you hear is “oh I didn’t see your message,” always throws me for a loop. Granted you may be sleeping or you are just in your own world, no matter what EVERYONE checks there phone at least 5-10 times an hour. I am sorry but I will be honest with you, I have my phone with me all the time and if I don’t want to reply to you I just won’t. I don’t need to make an excuse about why I didn’t hit you up I will just tell you directly, I really didn’t feel like responding to you at all.
            Making up an excuse to avoid someone has become the norm for some of us but we gotta do what we gotta do. Communication chasing should not exist but it does because with more ways being created to communicate with people we continue to communicate less and less with each other. Look at the people that are getting “catfished” and ask yourself “why didn’t they skype, facetime or use tango?” We have so many ways to communicate with people but we choose not to. The next question is “do they really want to communicate with you?” If you feel someone is lacking in communication, maybe they just really don’t want to communicate with you. 

Never chase people for communication, take a step back and just remember that not everyone values communication as a way of keeping friendship/relationships alive.

Saturday, February 23, 2013

(Poem) Black Heart

Heading back into my cave
Detoxing from my feelings
Keeping my thoughts to myself
I’ve become heartless
That heartless monster I said I’d never become

With not one ounce of care
My heart is black
Sitting in my cave
Rewinding back
Back to where my heart was black

They say listen to your heart
But my heart is black
Building my walls back up
Letting go of the feelings I once had

It’s not you, its me
I am darker then usual
Leaving everything behind
Trying this new wave
Hoping that I stop losing and finally win one

Realizing that no one is ever ready
Ima take a step back
            And let my heart become black

They brought me up
            To the point where I was the happiest
Then let me go
            Like I was a seasonal fixture

No longer in my feelings
I rather my heart be black
Black without a care in the world

I’m done chasing “what ifs”
            And I’m letting go of “what could be”
I’m done appreciating those
            Who don’t appreciate me
I’m done caring too much
            And being the old me
I’m overdosing on this “ I don’t give a fuck” mentality”

Losing friends along the way but
            I’m on this new wave
Gone with the wind
            I’ve become this heartless monster
Letting go of the old me
            And embracing the new

I’ve allowed my heart to become black
With not once ounce of care
I’ve become this black-hearted monster

~Kevin Pierre

(Poem) Her

I told her, thank you
For just being her
The her of my dreams
The her I can feel comfortable with
The her that’s in my thinking thoughts

Not the her that’s an object
But the her that’s whole presence makes me smile
The her that is perfectly imperfect
The her that gave me the chance to be me

Cupid finally listened to this hopeless romantic
Letting me do me, and finally find her
You know her . . . the her of my dreams

Not the her that’s only here for a season
But the her that wants to go the distance
The her that accepts my flaws and my addictions
The her that I appreciate more then the stars in the sky

No longer stuck in an endless loop of confusion
Because her actions give me reason not to
Trusting her with all of me
Because her hands wont let me go.

If I had a her
I would tell her, thank you
For just being her
The her of my dreams

~Kevin Pierre

Sunday, January 27, 2013

Are We Really Friends?

Sometimes I feel that we have to ask this question for the people around us. “Are we really friends?” We have to remember the people that we surround ourselves with, are the people who somewhat reflect what type of person we are. When you surround yourself with a bunch of nobodies, people will consider you a nobody. Lets be honest we judge people on the crowd they surround themselves with, its just human nature

I feel like if I am calling you my friend; that comes with a lot of responsibility. It’s a title I don’t take lightly and I hope no one else does. If you are a friend I feel like you should be able to be direct and talk to me about whatever.  If your “friend” prefers to go on a social network to “subtweet” and/or “write a status about you with out saying your name” they are clearly not your friend. If they rather get the worlds opinion instead of talking to you direct, then that’s a problem.  If we are friends we should be able to discuss anything upfront and resolve any issues we have immediately.

“Are we really friends” if you are easily able to discuss things with people who you just met before talking to me?  “Are we really friends” if you talk about me behind my back instead of directing your issues with me? “Are we really friends” if you prefer using social media as an outlet then coming to me.

We just need to reevaluate “who” we call friends sometimes and people that are in our friend circle. It’s always good to keep your friendships healthy and if someone is holding on by a thread, see what you can do to fix it or just end it. No matter how long you’ve known someone you still have to ask yourself “are we really friends?” Not everyone is for you and those that aren’t need to be removed from your life to make room for personal growth. Those that hang around only want to bring you down and always make you feel negative. So move on with life and always ask yourself, “are we really friends?”

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Text/Call Me, Don’t Tweet Me!

We all do it, I’ve caught myself ignoring texts and I continue to tweet. We text someone and they sit there and tweet, before ever responding to us. We sit there like “wtf, did I do something wrong?” or “sooo this person is going to tweet before responding to me?” I think its because we have become comfortable with what society has accepted as the normal forms of communication.

I am guilty of this but I am really trying to do better when responding to people. When someone texts us or calls us we are quick to respond to them via twitter instead of contacting them back the way they contacted us.  Honestly twitter (or any social media) is not a legit form of communication, especially if you have the persons phone number. If you don’t have there contact information, that’s understandable. This generation will see that you text/call them and either send you a DM (direct message) or just tweet you, “Sup u called me?”

Does this make us less personal with the people around us? In a sense yes, especially if its people that you are close to. They may feel some type of way. You will tweet before responding to their text/call, that just shows where your priorities are. This generation is stuck on social media communication but don’t realize it is less personal and it is somewhat of a barrier. Think about this before you ignore a text/call and/or decide to tweet instead of text/call someone back. People may feel like you are ignoring them or have a problem with them if you decide to tweet (or do anything social media related) before contacting them. Everyone is free to do there own thing but see how it feels when it is done to you. Being ignored is not fun.

Friday, January 18, 2013

Bitter Bitches

When I refer to bitter bitches please don’t assume I am referring to females only, I am referring to both male and female. This is a general topic and if you think its about you, just know assumptions never get you anywhere.

Like the topic suggests, I will be touching a little on bitter bitches. Bitter bitches in the sense are people who always try to bring you down if they are not up. People who aren’t happy and need to make sure everyone around them isn’t either. People who will start a problem, when a problem never existed in the first place.

Here is an example of a bitter bitch. Guy best friends both are single living life. Guy1 starts talking to a girl and Guy2 respects that and hopes it works out. Guy1’s girl doesn’t want to talk to him anymore and moves on. Guy1 is sad but part of life. Guy2 starts talking to a girl, but Guy1 isn’t happy with that. So Guy1 becomes a bitter bitch and tries to make sure it doesn’t work because he is not happy. Guy1 says bro’s before hoes. Guy1 tries to make Guy2 feel like either (A) the girl isn’t that attractive and he shouldn’t talk to her or (B) we need more bro time and we cant let a girl interfere, you will have time for a girl later.

A bitter bitch is pretty much a person who isn’t happy and doesn’t want to see you happy either. Its pretty much if I am not happy and positive, no one else around me can be. So they become bitter and try any way to make you just as unhappy as they are or dislike what they don’t like. Bitter Bitch doesn’t have to only apply to relationships but also to other things. Someone could be jealous of you trying to get a new car so they tell you not to get one. They could be a bitter bitch because they feel as though you’re doing a lot with your life and they aren’t doing anything.  

If you have bitter bitches in your circle, maybe its time to tell them. We tend to always bite our tongue instead of speaking our minds but why? We always have people around us that are always negative because something didn’t go their way.  We can’t let other people dictate how we feel and what we do, just because they are bitter. You only drive people away when you become bitter. Sometimes you just want to tell them "Bitch don't kill my vibe" and move on with life. So learn to get over things and move on, you cant be bitter forever.

Bite Your Tongue

Sometimes we are considered that “Friend With No Filter”(click to read topic) but sometimes I feel like if you bite your tongue you won’t be able to express what's really on your mind.  I feel like if we are friends/associates and you know what type of person I am, you should know I will be straightforward about my thoughts. We tend to hide what we are thinking in the fear of hurting someone’s feelings or just losing a friend. If you cant speak openly with people about the truth, then don’t speak about anything at all in my opinion.

This generation is stuck on social media communication and never being direct with there peers. Having a barrier between them and someone else, so they can get that sense of  “they won’t feel as hurt” or  “they wont take it that serious.” Biting your tongue will close a lot more doors then opening them but it will show you who appreciates your honesty. We always thing “oh shit they really said some hurtful shit to me” instead of “dam they really just told me some stuff about myself I didn’t even realize I was doing.” Speak your mind, let your thoughts flow and just be true to yourself. The people you surround yourself with should respect you for not biting your tongue and just being you.

Sunday, January 13, 2013

The Claim Game (Part 2)

So we are back to this topic of the “Claim Game” (click onlink to read part 1).  This time I will be talking about a different aspect of the claim game. One that I know a couple of my friends are going through at the moment.

You know when you are interested in someone and you guys are talking back and forth for a good couple months. There is like an unofficial “your mine” type of stare that you give to each other, just saying you know what it is without either person actually saying something. Unofficially claiming the person but wanting it to be officially said. You guys do a lot of things in public, (kiss, hold hands, hug, etc.) but you still pass each other off as “just friends.” Then you ask yourself the question, “Why hasn’t he/she claimed me yet?”

Is it a fear of committing to one person? Fear of knowing you finally found someone good for you? Fear of your past catching up with you? Fear of people knowing you’re with someone? Fear of being tied down or maybe it’s just something we are just not ready for. Like I said in my previous blog, you never want to start claiming someone unless you are really serious about them. People will believe every word you say and run with it.

The “Claim Game” is basically giving someone a TITLE and hoping they act accordingly to the title that was given to them. Next time someone “Claims” you ask yourself “What have I done to allow them to give me a title and think that I am “CLAIMABLE?”

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Things You Should Work On For 2013

It is now 2013 and all I’ve been hearing is “new year new me”. Ummm I am pretty sure you said that last year and the year before so please take a seat. I feel like if your going to say that make sure you prove that with actions. Words really don’t mean anything unless you can prove that you are going to change. The Things I feel everyone should work on for 2013 are evaluating your friend circles, trying to stay consistent, being more verbal, building on trust/loyalty and believing actions over words.

Evaluate Your Friend Circle
Some things I think everyone should work on for this year is evaluating their “friend” circle and eliminating those people who don’t bring value to there lives. Its cool to be surrounded by people but if they are not doing anything with there lives besides popping mollies and sweating, well then reevaluate your friendships. If you need to cut people off, cut them off immediately. You can't carry around dead weight forever.

Stay Consistent
Consistency should be another thing we work on. (Consistency in our work, with our friends, with our families and in every day life) When you are not consistent with things, they tend to fall apart quickly. Also try and be consistent with the people around you. We all hate having people who flip flop on things they say so try and prove to them why consistency works.

Be More Verbal
Verbal in the sense of communication, people who say nothing tend to end up with nothing. The best thing you can do is voice your opinion and be direct with people. Never try to sugar coat shit, just say what's on your mind. Mean what you say and say what you mean.

Build on Trust and Loyalty
In this day and age people really lack trust and loyalty to each other. It’s all about throwing someone under the bus. We should work on building on the trust and loyalty we have with the people that are close to us before searching for more people to include in our circles. People can say that they are loyal or you can trust them but words can only go so far. Build on what you already have before searching for anything new.

Believe Actions Over Words
Last thing is that people should not give words so much value unless they are backed up by actions. We tend to believe words just because of the person who is saying them but all in all if their actions don’t align with there words what's the point? Before you believe 100% of somebodies words make sure they have proven themselves to you with their actions. Actions should always tell you if someones words carry any weight to them.

"Nothing is predestined. The obstacles of your past can become the gateways that lead to new beginnings"-Ralph Blum