Sunday, December 23, 2012

What If. . .(Part 2)

It has been almost 2 years since my first blog (What If –Click here to read it) and I feel that I have evolved as an individual. I am still Kevin but I have learned so much from life. I don’t think about “what if” situations anymore because I feel those are really negative. It’s all about making “what if” situations a reality instead about wondering hopelessly.  

We can say we don’t like taking a risk but we can’t let our lives be defined by fears and “what if” situations. I feel that I have been the biggest risk taker, just because I like to live life. I take risks no matter the consequence, just to say, “yeah I did it.” The worst that could happen is that you hit a bump in the road and have to take a different route. Sometimes we get stuck in our heads wondering,” what if this doesn’t work out, what if this doesn’t go the way I want it to or what if I say something wrong” instead of just going with the flow and saying/doing what we want. When we start thinking “what if” then things fall apart and you start to question your actions whether good or bad.

Sometimes we look back on things we should have done instead of just moving forward, learning from them and creating a better version of ourselves. If we constantly look back at “what if” we can’t look forward and see “what will be.” Live life, take risks and don’t let “what if” situations define you.

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the things you did" ~ Mark Twain

Sunday, December 16, 2012

Do You Think About Me? / Reciprocation (Topic Chosen By Munchy)

I’ve heard this question a lot as of late. To be honest I feel that you would know if someone was thinking about you at all, right? My thing is I only communicate with people who communicate with me or that cross my mind. A couple of my female friends feel that they have to ask the guy in there life, “do you think about me?” If you have to ask that question then there must be a real problem. I feel that actions speak louder then words and if someone thinks about you then most likely they will stay in contact with you or perform actions where you don’t have to ask that question.

If they are your boyfriend/girlfriend I would assume that it is normal to tell them that you think about him/her a lot. If you are just talking/getting to know each other it could be the same deal depending on how far a long you guys are in your relationship. Just know if you are “talking/getting to know” someone that actions will show you if they are really thinking about you.

Think about this though, are actions always reciprocated?

For some of you that don’t know what reciprocation means, it’s defined as a mutual giving and receiving; a mutual exchange; a return in kind or of like value.  Basically are the actions that are performed reciprocated in a manor where you understand what direction the person wants to go with you? Based on communication, consistency and reciprocated things you should be able to figure out if you have to ask yourself this question. Instead of asking someone “do you think about me?” you should be asking yourself “has this person been consistent with me? Have they communicated with me clearly? Are things reciprocated?” 

Then you will be able to answer your own question.

Saturday, November 24, 2012

Too Much Pride (Topic Suggested by Kie)

Pride is one of those things that everyone has no matter what. People take pride in things they do or what they put effort into, but sometimes pride can be damaging. When I’m referring to pride I’m referring to the pride you have with other individuals.  Too much pride to take the first step or make the necessary moves that you need to, to get something done.

Sometimes we have those situations where we made a mistake and we know we are wrong but don’t want to own up to it. That’s when our pride kicks in. Our pride is just saying to us “I am not the type of person to apologize or admit when I am wrong.” If it’s going to hurt your friendship/relationship with someone wouldn’t you put your pride to the side for a moment? Having too much pride is just like saying “Oh I will wait for them to hit me up first because I don’t contact people first.” This usually results in both parties not hitting each other up and everyone getting mad because they have too much pride. When you are dealing with two people with too much pride, things don’t get resolved unless one person just puts it to the side and fixes it.

Pride is a good and bad thing but we have to know when it’s okay to be prideful and when it’s not okay. If it comes to the point of losing someone great in your life don’t do it. Just take the L and resolve the issue. Wake up and don’t let having too much pride bring you down. You are not always right, things can’t always go your way and your opinions are not law. People have feelings and should be heard. Too much pride will cause you to lose a lot of great people in your life and will inevitably make you the worse person to be around. Think before you act, and never let too much pride hold you back from seeing greatness enter your life.

Monday, November 19, 2012

Seasonal Friends

You ever meet those people that just want to be in your life “sometimes” or just temporarily want you around? Lets just call these people “Seasonal Friends.” Just like the seasons they don’t stay very long. In the beginning everything is great but eventually you guys just drift apart. Sometimes it may be a lack of communication or just people moving on and didn’t want to take you with them (vice versa).
We all get that random call\text from someone we haven’t spoken to in a minute that’s like, “we use to chill\talk all the time, what happened?” Sometimes life happens and there was nothing to keep us together. Sometimes though it comes down to the effort people want to put into the friendships. It always comes back to investing time in something for it to grow and it has to be done by both parties never just one. If you want a temporary person in your life then go for it but I feel that it’s a waste of time to have a “seasonal” person in your life. We all deal with seasonal people in our lives till we actually find the people who are there to stay. We tend to forget people always judge us on the people we surround ourselves with.
            If you feel that someone just wants to be around for a season it’s always good to let them go now instead of later.  We are quick to call people we have a good time with “friends” but do they really deserve that title?

Saturday, November 10, 2012


So as you may have already noticed a lot of my blogs go with each other in a sense. A lot of them usually just reference one part of a larger topic. This topic will be referencing a topic I talked about awhile. (“Communication Goes 2 Ways<-->Click to read this blog)

Communication is one of those things that a lot of people lack and fail to realize how important it is in everyday life. Things may go wrong if the right things aren’t communicated or made clear. I know I am not the only one that get the text messages or phone calls of people just saying “Hey why we don’t talk any more?” Why are you asking me this? I feel like if I am going to put effort into communicating with you, you should do the same.  

The reason I think we stop communicating with people is because we hate putting all the effort into something that should be shared 50/50. Communication goes 2 ways and should be treated as such. You communicate with whom you want to communicate with but next time you try to put a value on someone, check how much they communicate with you. Someone’s value greatly increases in my opinion when you factor in there communication ability. 

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Are You Using Me?

As the title suggests, “Are you using me?” is a question that needs to be asked sometimes.  We should already be analyzing the situation and figuring out if someone is using us. Sometimes we try to see the good in people when realistically not everyone has good intentions.

You can easily pickup on stuff if people are not consistent with you. Consistency (click on the word to be sent to my blog about it) is one of those things that can’t go unnoticed. If someone has a routine that they do for you, you will pick up on it. If they don’t do it one or two times you will think to yourself, “what's going on?” When you do one or two good deeds for someone they always want to keep you around because they know you are dependable. Sometimes it gets to the point where they constantly ask you to do stuff for them just because that’s the type of person you are. Have you have ever just asked someone “are you using me?” If you feel like things are not being reciprocated or in the sense being returned in the same way maybe you should.

We all have that gut feeling where we are treating someone good but the things we are doing for him/her are not appreciated. People sometimes fail to appreciate the good things you do for them and if they continue to use you without appreciating your greatness, maybe they are using you. People can still appreciate you and still use you at the same time but you have to be able to have a cut off point. Ask yourself before you do anything else, “Is this person using me?”

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

(Poem) The Hopeless Romantic

Stuck in an endless loop of confusion
Wondering why I’m considered a hopeless romantic

They say there is no hope for a romantic like me
Hopelessly wondering if cupid is shooting the wrong arrows
Or maybe he’s just missing his primary target

Being disappointed so many times,
You start to realize that cupid isn’t for you.

Being the hopeless romantic that I am,
I hope he would just leave me alone and let me do me.

Attracted to these mindless puppets,
Who accept the things society throws at them.
Is there a place for a hopeless romantic like me?

A person who invest time in getting to know you
A person who calls you beautiful instead of sexy
A person who does things for you just because.

. . .but really, is there a place for me?

You know what . . .

I’m still stuck in this endless loop of confusion
But I understand why I’m considered a hopeless romantic

It’s cause I appreciate your flaws, which make you different from the crowd
Your personality, which attracts me to your style
Your smile that can take all my cares away
Your strength, that drives me to be a better me

Maybe I am a hopeless romantic,
That believes genuine people still exist

Maybe I am a hopeless romantic,
Just because I appreciate you for being you
And not another one of those mindless puppets

. . .but is there a place for a hopeless romantic like me?

~Kevin Pierre

Monday, October 8, 2012


This topic will be referencing a little bit of what I talked about in three of my other topics  (“ Appreciate”, “Friends with no filter” and “Sabotage Part 1”)<--click name to read other topics

We tend to forget the genuine people who really go out of their way for us. Sometimes people complain about individuals who aren’t always straight with them or who don’t treat them right. Instead of opening your eyes and looking at the people closest to you, you shut the right people out. You feel they aren’t good for you because you don’t know what good really feels like.

Sometimes genuine people are thrown into our lives without us even knowing but we tend to think that if we are being treated “good” that it’s a lie. Society has us believing that if you are being treated well that it’s a fairytale and that it’s not real. They sometimes say “genuine people don’t really exist” or that “People don’t really care or do things for you without expecting some form of payment.” Is it possible for anyone to just genuinely want to get to know you and be that good thing in your life?

Genuine people would rather see you smile and make sure you’re okay before checking on themselves. We sometimes give to much value to irrelevant people in our lives without first checking who genuinely cares. People can ask you how life is going but do they genuinely care? If you really know me I’m the type of person that can be so hurt but still look at you and smile. Who will try his hardest to brighten your day, even if I can’t brighten my own. Genuine people are really selfless and before you think everyone is out to swindle you maybe you should evaluate everyone in your life. Think open who is “actually” there and tries there hardest to make sure your okay.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012


As each day goes by we tend to look past the people who are in our lives. Sometimes we just don’t appreciate how much someone does for us or how little others appreciate us. Do you ever just tell people how much you appreciate them in your life? Think about at least 5 people whom you can honestly say has made a difference in your life and not once have you thanked them for it. Also, think about the people that you go out your way for but they still treat you like you do nothing at all for them.

They say you never truly appreciate something until it’s gone and when its gone, it’s gone for good. We all have those one or two people in our lives that no matter what is going on they will drop what they are doing just to help us. They never expect anything back from it; they just want to make sure everything is okay with you. These genuine people are part of a rare breed that are selfless and just care. 

Sometimes just saying “I appreciate you in my life” goes farther then you know for the people you care about. When someone greatly influences your life (in a positive way) it’s never good to push them away, you should be pushing them closer to you. People tend to regret the individuals they push out of their lives but the only way some people truly appreciate things is when they completely disappear out of their lives.

Appreciate the people who appreciate you and never let something good slip out of reach.

“Make it a habit to tell people thank you. To express your appreciation, sincerely and without the expectation of anything in return. Truly appreciate those around you, and you'll soon find many others around you. Truly appreciate life, and you'll find that you have more of it. “ ~Ralph Marston

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Sabotage (Part 2)

            The second part of this topic is basically going to touch on how the people around you can sabotage you. The minute you let someone into your business they will either hurt it and think they are helping or hurt it because they want to hurt it. It’s cool to tell people stuff that is going on in your life but if they aren’t able to keep there opinions, comments and nosy self out of your business then things tend to crumble around you.

             You can say you like someone to one of your friends but maybe your friend likes that person too and makes quick moves to squash that. “Yeah I hear they just like to have sex and keep it moving, they don’t want a relationship.” It could be the littlest thing that could damage something. Once you let people in they, 8 times out of 10, sabotage something good and you end up regretting your moves.

            Friends can sabotage your relationships more then you think. They can always provide you with negative advice that would make you second-guess why you are happy. Not everyone is for you; they will intentionally sabotage you because they don’t want you to be happy. Sabotaging your happiness is what people love to do, so be observant and listen to yourself before you listen to someone else.

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Sabotage (Part 1)

Hey hope everyone is enjoying 2012 as it is almost over. Today’s topic I am referencing Wale’s song “Sabotage.” Basically it’s talking about something that is going good but the person sabotages it because they pretty much are not use to it. Also it talks about other people who you let into your relationship that try to destroy it.

First I would like to touch on people who genuinely have someone who want to treat him/her well but they end up destroying it because they are not use to it. They think they are not deserving of what ever is presented to them when in reality they deserve all of what they are getting. I know people who just sabotage the mess out of their relationship because they say, “oh he/she is treating me really well and I feel like I need to start something because this is not real.” Yes people do this and when the person backs off or moves on with life their next statement is, “All guys/girls ain’t shit.” Wait . . . .What?! You are not serious right now because you definitely destroyed something good you had going on.

People think they are “undeserving” and think that if something is going well for them then it shouldn’t be happening at all.  Who gave us this mind frame? Who made us start thinking this? When we start saying “ Yeah I feel like I am undeserving of these things that him/her is doing for me,” you will start to believe it and eventually destroy everything around you. Negative thoughts breed negative results.

Monday, August 20, 2012

(Poem) My Thinking Thoughts

As I sit here lost in my random thoughts
I wish that someone could be in the thoughts that I’m thinking
My thinking thoughts

The thoughts that are hard to express but that I’m always thinking
They ask me what I’m thinking, and I just tell them . . .
My thinking thoughts

Maybe in another life I could tell someone
You know. . .the girl of my dreams
But. . . that’s to much to ask

No one really cares about the thoughts that I’m thinking
My thinking thoughts

The thoughts I could share but I wear my mask instead
I rather stay in my cave and keep my thoughts locked away
But then again . . . who can I really trust with these thoughts that I’m thinking
Trust, a five-letter word that not everyone knows
But then again . . . everyone is quick to say, “You can trust me though”
You want into my thoughts but you haven’t earned my trust
So what do I do with my thinking thoughts?
You know . . .the thoughts that I’m thinking

Maybe I’ll just sit here lost in my random thoughts
Or just share them with the wall because I know that it will listen

Maybe in another life I could tell someone
You know. . .the girl of my dreams
But. . . that’s to much to ask
For someone I trust to be in the thoughts that I’m thinking
My thinking thoughts

~Kevin Pierre

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

The Chase

Hey everyone another topic that I have been talking with a couple of my friends about is "The Chase." You should already know what I am referring to. You meet someone new, they kind of peek your interest and so you want to know more about them. So the chase begins. . . .

You run thru hoops to get to know them better, get them to notice you more and just do things to impress them. A month or so has passed and you feel like you are still chasing them. You don't know if they are interested in you but you know you are interested in them. So now what? You've told them how you want to move forward but they are unsure about how they want to move forward. Now what? You can tell if someone is interested in you or not, it really isn't rocket science.

Everything in your life is a lesson, everything is presented to you in different ways so you can learn from it. If someone really wants you, then they won't let you chase them for that long. They will actually walk beside you and develop something with you. You have to figure out if people are WORTH the chase. Sometimes you have to fight for a spot in someones life but if you don't see a place being made for you, its just time to move on and live life. "I'm not saying I don't want you, cause believe me, I do. I'm just not going to chase after you."

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Brand New

It is August, so that means the summer is officially over. Now it's just time to reflect back on the new people you have met, the ones you already know but they acted like they didn't know you and time to get your phone contact back to normal. This topic is about people who act "Brand New" when they see you. Like they never had a conversation with you or saw you before.

We all have twitter, facebook, instagram etc. Some type of social media that allows us to make new friends all across the world. We may never see some of these people in person but we do have casual conversations with them sometimes. When you do see someone for the 1st time face to face and not via a social network, what is the first thing you do? Maybe walk up to them and say hi right? Some people are really not that confident about being the first to walk up to someone. Yes sometimes I have caught myself saying hi to people who aren't the ones I have little chats with but it's part of life. Honestly, some people don't look like their pictures. (Thank you instagram for the false advertisement)  So I understand if some people are afraid to say hi sometimes.

Sometimes though people know exactly how you look and just refuse to acknowledge you like they have never met you before. So why is this person acting "brand new"? Who knows. Sometimes you just have to not think about it so much. The same people who act "brand new" are the same people who will reach out to you later when something that involves you come up. We just have to remember that the people we meet via social networks don't come across the same when you meet them in person.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Never Settle . . .

Hey Hey, I hope everyone is enjoying the summer as much as I am.

Today's topic is about settling, in general just settling for anything. We all know people who settle for anything just because they no longer want to put any effort into things or they feel this is the best thing they can get. Sometimes we have to remind people to value themselves better and to know they are worth so much more then what they settle for. Knowing your worth will make it easier for you to never settle for the wrong things.

When it comes to relationships people tend to just accept whatever is presented to them without really thinking "hey maybe I shouldn't just settle." I have a couple friends who just settle or just stay around just because they feel they can't get anything better then what they have now. If you keep that mentality then of course you get anything better. Just because bad things happen to you doesn't mean settling is your only option. This generation fails to attack challenges head on, we prefer things handed to us on a silver platter. We always try to find an easy way out and settling without attacking the challenge is never a good thing.

Think about this, you determine your worth by what you "just settle" for. They say,"sometimes you have to forget what you want and remember what you deserve." Never under value yourself and never settle, just because.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Friends With No Filters

Hey, this topic has been in the works for awhile. I apologize for the delay.

Friends with no filters? Friends with no filters are those people in your life that keep it 100% with you no matter what. Instead of being nice, they tell you exactly what the deal. I feel that we all need these type of people in our lives.

Have you ever been out, see a group of people and that one person in the group who looks totally jacked up? You sit and think to yourself "so you have all those people around you, your so called "friends", and no one has the strength to tell you to get your ass back in the house and change?" The world is twisted like that. That is why we rely on that one friend with no filter to check us sometimes. Sometimes we have the thought in the back of our minds that we don't want to hurt someones feelings, but its better to hear it from your friend then a complete stranger. It hurts more if you hear it from a stranger, then you look at your friends and say "why didn't one of you tell me?"

Everyone needs a friend with with no filter, and I bet half of you can already identify a couple of your friends who verbalize everything. Its better to have those people close to you to give you constructive criticism about everything not just what you wear. Trust me, its better to hear criticism from your close friends then a random stranger.

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Consistency . . .

Hey, as the title suggest I will be touching a little bit on consistency. For some of you that get my morning texts or just know me, I really like people who are consistent. One of the best qualities to have is to be consistent in everything you do. Consistent with friendships, relationships, communication, feelings, things you do, etc.

One of the biggest things a lot of people from this current generation lack is consistency. I will let you take a minute to think about it. You know a couple people who aren't consistent with whatever they say/do and fail to follow through with whatever they say/do. For example, a friend says they are going to help you with a project until it is finished. They help you one day but for the next 3 days they don't help you because they don't feel like it. Being consistent is one of those things not everyone is capable of and once you find the people who are, it's always good to keep them around.

If you are a consistent person dealing with a person who isn't consistent and/or people who aren't use to the consistency, it becomes really annoying. Tends to make you fall back from that group of people and want to deal with more consistent people. Sometimes, people tend to undervalue how being consistent makes you different from the crowd. Take a moment to observe who is consistent in your life . . . .

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

(Poem) The Other Guy . . .

Yeah . . .you know the other guy
The reliable one
The one who respects you
The one who is there for you no matter what
The one you never noticed until you need him
The Other Guy

Always the one you need to talk too
Always the one that's around when you need him
. . . .but never good enough to date

The one who listens to you for hours, instead of getting sleep
The one who supports you no matter what is going on in his life
The Other Guy

The one you complain to about how "ALL guys ain't shit"
The one that randomly gets you flowers . . . .just because . . .
The Other Guy

The person you won't notice until he has actually found someone who appreciates him
The person you won't notice until your phone calls and texts messages are no longer a priority
The person that cared for you the most
. . . .but you mistreated because you loved chasing your heartbreakers
The Other Guy


(Poem) Beautiful . . .

What is considered beautiful?
Why do you kill yourself to fit peoples definition of beautiful?
Why must you impress others before impressing yourself?
Why do you let what people say affect the beauty you already posse?
Why must I get the text message that asks "Do you think I'm beautiful?"
Why must I have to see you cry . . . because you think you're not beautiful enough?
Why must you starve yourself for days to be the worlds definition  a size smaller?
Why must I see you put a pound of make up on your face to cover up the beauty I see?

What I see is beautiful
What I see is beauty through the words that hurt you
What I see is beauty through the insecure text messages
What I see is beauty through the tears
What I see is beauty through the many different sizes

What I see is beauty all around you
. . . .from that beautiful smile

To the way you teach ME how to dougie
. . . .from the personality that attracts me

To the way you steal my gummy bears  and make me smile
YOU ARE beautiful . . . .in every shape and form
YOU ARE beautiful . . . .because you love yourself
YOU ARE beautiful . . . .


Sunday, May 6, 2012

Why Don't You Look Like Your Picture Though?

Another day another discussion on how false advertisement is real in these streets. The false advertisement I am talking about is the way people present themselves to the world. With instagram and photoshop being the wave after you take a picture, cropping, brighten, and clearing some things up. People really have you thinking they are super models. (this is for both genders)

If you have never met the person NEVER assume immediately that they look like their picture, especially with all the new technology out. Pictures can be ALTERED greatly nowadays and within one second you could be saying "Wow you look amazing" then you meet them face to face and your like "but you don't look like your picture though." This false advertisement has got to stop!! Next thing you know the person is not returning your phone calls because they where under the impression you looked like your picture but you actually don't. We all have those friends who don't look like their pictures

"Why don't you look like your picture" can mean a lot of different things. Good or Bad. It depends on how the person you say it to takes it. Don't become a victim of false advertisement, be true to yourself and the people around you.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Good Morning!

Hey sorry for the delay in a new topic, just focused on other things but I'm back on it.

Lost in my thoughts, I always find my self sending random texts of inspiration to people. Either thanking them for being in my life, just giving them something great to wake up to or just something to get them through the day. You really never know what someone is going through so its better to just send them something to brighten their day. A good morning phone call or text goes a long way for some people who are never use to them. It's always great to know someone is thinking about you when they wake up.

A good morning text is me putting a lot of effort into something I really don't have to send you but I choose to be that one light at the end of the tunnel for someone. When you get that text and your like "why the fuck is this person waking me up" first say to yourself "dam someone really cares enough about me this early in the morning to send me a message." Not everyone deserves a good morning message but the ones that get it you just have to cherish the little things.

I would have to say I am a cornball and when one of my friends sends me a morning text, something inspirational or thanking me for one I cheese really hard at my phone. You have to learn to appreciate the little things, so when the big things happen you will cherish them.

"A morning text doesn't only mean "good morning." It also means "I think about you when I wake up"”

Sunday, January 8, 2012

The Bully Effect

New Blog of the New Year, I was going to post my “Things to do for 2012” but at the moment I felt that this topic was more relevant while I still had it fresh on my mind. Many of us know what bullying is and the harmful affects it has on some people but for some of you that are still in the dark, bullying is an epidemic. It is a real big epidemic for kids in high school and some in college. You may think that “oh everyone is bullied”, yes this is true but how do you bully someone to the point of them committing suicide? Also, how do you have no remorse after everything is done? It is our job to speak up and talk to someone that can help us overcome bullying. You can’t hold how you feel inside you must address it. Everyone is bullied but it is what you do after that defines who you are. Remember this quote "When something bad happens you have three choices. You can either let it define you, let it destroy you, or you can let it strengthen you." Always try to build off of it and never let it phase you.

On April 6, 2009 Carl Joseph Walker-Hoover hung himself with an extension cord, from his Springfield, Massachusetts home, taking his own life. This 11-year-old sixth grader died a couple days before his 12th birthday (April 17th). He was constantly teased verbally, about being gay. His mother pleaded with the school to address the issue, but it seems that Carl couldn’t take it any longer and ended his own life.

For more information about Carl check out this website

On September 18, 2011, at the age of 14, Jamey Rodemeyer hung himself because he was bullied so much for being gay. He was cyberbullied and verbally bullied. Jamey was bullied since he was in the 5th grade for being openly gay. He made videos on youtube for the “It Gets Better” project, which is a website dedicated to preventing teen suicide.

Help kids to overcome bullying, make them speak up about it. No one should be hurt to the point where they are trying to end there lives. This means we haven't don't enough to help them handle the situation. Please be aware that bullying is becoming a big problem and talk to friends about it. You can prevent it just by stepping in and telling someone to STOP. 

Also when you have a chance check out this special by Anderson Cooper called Bullying It Stops Here. Great special if you want to enlighten yourself more about this situation.