Sunday, January 27, 2013

Are We Really Friends?

Sometimes I feel that we have to ask this question for the people around us. “Are we really friends?” We have to remember the people that we surround ourselves with, are the people who somewhat reflect what type of person we are. When you surround yourself with a bunch of nobodies, people will consider you a nobody. Lets be honest we judge people on the crowd they surround themselves with, its just human nature

I feel like if I am calling you my friend; that comes with a lot of responsibility. It’s a title I don’t take lightly and I hope no one else does. If you are a friend I feel like you should be able to be direct and talk to me about whatever.  If your “friend” prefers to go on a social network to “subtweet” and/or “write a status about you with out saying your name” they are clearly not your friend. If they rather get the worlds opinion instead of talking to you direct, then that’s a problem.  If we are friends we should be able to discuss anything upfront and resolve any issues we have immediately.

“Are we really friends” if you are easily able to discuss things with people who you just met before talking to me?  “Are we really friends” if you talk about me behind my back instead of directing your issues with me? “Are we really friends” if you prefer using social media as an outlet then coming to me.

We just need to reevaluate “who” we call friends sometimes and people that are in our friend circle. It’s always good to keep your friendships healthy and if someone is holding on by a thread, see what you can do to fix it or just end it. No matter how long you’ve known someone you still have to ask yourself “are we really friends?” Not everyone is for you and those that aren’t need to be removed from your life to make room for personal growth. Those that hang around only want to bring you down and always make you feel negative. So move on with life and always ask yourself, “are we really friends?”

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