Monday, July 9, 2012

Friends With No Filters

Hey, this topic has been in the works for awhile. I apologize for the delay.

Friends with no filters? Friends with no filters are those people in your life that keep it 100% with you no matter what. Instead of being nice, they tell you exactly what the deal. I feel that we all need these type of people in our lives.

Have you ever been out, see a group of people and that one person in the group who looks totally jacked up? You sit and think to yourself "so you have all those people around you, your so called "friends", and no one has the strength to tell you to get your ass back in the house and change?" The world is twisted like that. That is why we rely on that one friend with no filter to check us sometimes. Sometimes we have the thought in the back of our minds that we don't want to hurt someones feelings, but its better to hear it from your friend then a complete stranger. It hurts more if you hear it from a stranger, then you look at your friends and say "why didn't one of you tell me?"

Everyone needs a friend with with no filter, and I bet half of you can already identify a couple of your friends who verbalize everything. Its better to have those people close to you to give you constructive criticism about everything not just what you wear. Trust me, its better to hear criticism from your close friends then a random stranger.

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