Monday, October 8, 2012


This topic will be referencing a little bit of what I talked about in three of my other topics  (“ Appreciate”, “Friends with no filter” and “Sabotage Part 1”)<--click name to read other topics

We tend to forget the genuine people who really go out of their way for us. Sometimes people complain about individuals who aren’t always straight with them or who don’t treat them right. Instead of opening your eyes and looking at the people closest to you, you shut the right people out. You feel they aren’t good for you because you don’t know what good really feels like.

Sometimes genuine people are thrown into our lives without us even knowing but we tend to think that if we are being treated “good” that it’s a lie. Society has us believing that if you are being treated well that it’s a fairytale and that it’s not real. They sometimes say “genuine people don’t really exist” or that “People don’t really care or do things for you without expecting some form of payment.” Is it possible for anyone to just genuinely want to get to know you and be that good thing in your life?

Genuine people would rather see you smile and make sure you’re okay before checking on themselves. We sometimes give to much value to irrelevant people in our lives without first checking who genuinely cares. People can ask you how life is going but do they genuinely care? If you really know me I’m the type of person that can be so hurt but still look at you and smile. Who will try his hardest to brighten your day, even if I can’t brighten my own. Genuine people are really selfless and before you think everyone is out to swindle you maybe you should evaluate everyone in your life. Think open who is “actually” there and tries there hardest to make sure your okay.