Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Why are Guys Afraid to Show Their Feelings (Topic suggested by Anonymous Female)

Girl: Girls want to feel beautiful and special
Guy: I’m not nice like that to anyone
Girl: I’m not just anyone
This conversation ended with them breaking up and ending their on and off relationship of 3.5+ years. She felt as though the guy really didn’t show his feelings for her at all. There is always something in the beginning but as the relationship went on, it was inconsistent and he treated her like another person. No affection, no attention . . . nothing at all, she felt neglected. The next question she asked me was,” Why are guys afraid to show their feelings?”

It’s not that I am stumped with this question it’s just that, to be honest we are afraid of the feedback we will get from you and we aren’t comfortable showing our feelings (some of us). With females it’s always something different, its either you want more of something or you don’t get enough of something, best thing for you to do is “COMMUNICATE.” To be honest you have to tell us shit so we better understand what’s up with you and your feelings. If we could read women’s minds then this world would be great , we would know when it’s that time of the month, know if we miss an anniversary (since you guys remember all of them), know what we are suppose to say or do when you are going through things. You have to understand if you communicate to us that “I love a guy who shows me there true feelings” then you will get what you asked for. Don’t ask for something and then when you’re constantly receiving it you say “You are doing a little too much opening up.” It’s either one or the other, make up your mind.

We are afraid of the feedback that we will receive from a female if we open up to them to much about our feelings. The thing that goes through our minds is, “She will like me less” or “She thinks I’m a bitch” or “She doesn’t want a guy this opened”. For a guy to open up it takes a lot of built up trust and the way he feels about you, for him to come out his shell. When he does open up and tells you everything, you better believe that he will continue to tell you EVERYTHING cause he confides in you and see’s you as someone special in his life. From this point on you have to understand though, you have to tell him when it’s too much or not enough; we need constructive feedback to better ourselves in showing our feelings.

I confide in 5 females at the moment because they have earned my trust and I love them. It’s not that we are afraid to show our feelings we just need the green light and a GPS to guide us on our way to expressing them.


  1. Ima guy and i agree with this 100% i cant read her mind maybe if she just told me what was up then MAYBE i could figure shit out. good shit kev

  2. Also, girls need to think... if a dude opened up to any and every girl he was interested in then how creepy would that be. Its a turn off for a lot of girls... Like always, we like challenges, we like to figure people out and thats what keeps us coming back. So, if the dude is holding back it gives you something to hold on to and/or hope that he will open one day but in the end girls need to realize that eventually dudes won't open up... Its just who they are. Just my opinion. :)

  3. So true. Girls are confused with what they want sometimes. They say they want you to open to them when you do you are too emotional for them. Make up your mind.

  4. Its always your to emotional and ur trying to hard smdh

  5. Some girls need to understand that guys are human too. They have feelings and DON'T want to get hurt. Sounds familiar? Secondly, I believe that guys don't express their feelings because they might be scared away by YOUR feelings. Ladies, I LOVE YOUs don't help you keep a man, it scares them away if it's too soon in the relationship. Especially if he doesn't see you in his future or just wants to "hit it & quit it". I say, put yourself in his shoes; act like a lady--think like a man.
