Friday, January 7, 2011


Commitment [kuh-mit-muht] noun. 1. The act of committing 2. The state of being committed 3. The act of committing, pledging, or engaging oneself 4. A pledge or promise

Is it me or is everyone afraid to hear this word? People are afraid to be committed to anything anymore, whether it is friends, family, projects, school, girlfriend, boyfriend etc. As I was reading one of my brothers passage’s from his book, The Love of Poem: Vol 1, it inspired me to write this part of my blog talking about it. The passage stats, "Commitment causes everyone to feel special and adored, Gives a person with no desire a reason to fight for." For those who are open minded really read that and you will understand it. It took my sister 2 hours before she really understood that but, why are people afraid of commitment?

The fear of being committed to someone or something is just that people don’t like being tied down. They feel if they are committed then they will have to be tied down under lock and key and can’t do anything that they want. This is the major concern of a lot of people. They want to be able to do THEM without restrictions or limitations. This is the most common reason people are afraid of commitment and why they think they don’t need to commit to anything.

The beautiful thing about commitment though is that you feel that you are about to start the greatest journey in the world. That nothing in the universe can stop you and that you don’t need to answer WHY you did something to a million people. It really gives you a reason to push forward and make something worth it. “I know why I committed to this and I am ecstatic I did it.” When committing to something, think about the positive aspects of it and not so much the negative. I bet you 9 times out of 10 that the positive outweighs the negative.
Live. Laugh. Love

The Love of Poem: Vol I (By Desmond Baker)


  1. people r just scared. point blank

  2. i cant speak for everyone but i dont necessarily think that all ppl are afraid to commit because they're afraid they wont be able to "do them". Being committed in anything whether a project or relationship requires responsibility that some ppl aren't ready to take on. im female, and im single by choice not because im afraid to commit but because i kno im not ready to take on that kind of responsibility, and having options is always a plus lol

  3. i see where your coming from. So your saying people arent ready for responsibilities of being committing to something, that just shows more growth is needed to better understand and better prepare for the responsibilities of being committed

  4. I think people are afraid to make committments because we live in a microwave society. When it comes to relationship there's nothing u can really gain from committing to someone that you can't get from makin someone your "boo" or "special friend". When you think about it, what's the point of committing yourself and dealing with so called "negatives" when you can get all the positives from the person without a committment? Most people have gotten too comfortable with giving someone a spiritual, physical, emotional, social and financial connection without requiring that you be with them and only them. Like my momma always used to tell me: "women who settle for bein wifeys almost never become wives"

  5. The negatives u normally receive are from those people who don't kno how to MYOB and keep out of ur relationship. I've noticed a lot of relationships start to fall apart when other people get involved and try to dictate wut u should be doing and wut u shouldnt be. This hurts ur commitment to that person and makes it seem ur more committed to the likes of the noisy people instead of ur partner.
