Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Having Standards in 2010

Hey Everyone! Today’s topic is having standards in 2010. This basically refers to the people you surround yourself with everyday of the week.

Standards is defined a rule or principle that is used as a basis for judgment or an average or normal requirement, quality, quantity, level, grade, etc. (dictionary.com)

Now that we KNOW what standards are we have to sit there and ask ourselves “Do I have standards?” You will know immediately by the type of people you surround yourself with. “Do I have friendship standards?” Do you just let anybody into your friendship circle? If you do then you have no standards in my opinion. This always depends though especially if you have a good group of friends that you trust and one of them wants to bring someone into the loop. If you trust this persons “standards” then you should be fine and nothing will happen, BUT if the person that is brought in is just the SCUM of the earth I think there should be some type of intervention for this case. Me personally I don’t let everyone into my friend circle . . . I break it down into 4 categories:

Acquaintances – People who are not of friend caliber yet and I talk to here and there on some random stuff (Once in a blue)
People – Those who have earned a little bit of my trust and that might have a little potential of being hit up on a regular
Friends – Those who you can have actual conversations with and sometimes don’t give you the greatest advice but are still there
Best Friends – Are those who are always around no matter what, you can call them at 3am and they will pick up the phone pissed as hell but still be there for you to listen. They are pretty much your cheering section and always want to see you do better

When it comes to friends you have to have standards because if you surround yourself with “ain’t shit people” you start to become one of them. Standards when it comes to friend’s lets you know who you CAN rely on and who you CAN’T rely on.

Now standards as it pertains to relationships, this is something you build up as you go in and out of them.

TO BE CONTINUED . . . . Standards and Relationships . . . .


  1. WOW who doesnt have standards now? def not kool

  2. Yup standard are very important. it's important to keep in mind who are you surrounded by. These group of ppl have a great influece on you.

  3. standards has to be part of decision making when it comes to certain things. . . i guess people r dumb smh
