Thursday, June 26, 2014


I feel if you don’t grow you don’t learn. Growth is all apart life and if you are the same person you were last year then nothing has changed.  People always complain that nothing has changed or nothing new is happening but have you pushed yourself to move forward and change? Are you waiting for someone to push you to change? It’s all about setting your own goals and moving forward.

Personally I feel like I have grown a lot in the past year. I push myself to be better than the Kevin I was yesterday. With friendships, relationships, career and just everything in my life. You can’t remain stagnant and hope things fall into place. I’ve lost friends, made new friends, declined career opportunities and accepted others. They say to be patient and wait for things but you can only wait so long before you just have to continue moving forward and not look back. This concept applies to everything in your life. The thing about moving forward is that you want to move forward. You’re not letting anyone hold you back. When you have people holding you back, you won’t ever get anything accomplished. Year after year you have to grow as a person in every aspect of your life if you want to be great. 

A question I was asked recently was, “Why do you keep your friend circle so small?” My response was, “If your irrelevant and serve no purpose in my life, why should I keep you around?” You have to remind yourself not everyone is about growth and will hinder your growth if they aren’t growing. It applies to your career as well, if you are okay with your current position and feel you have reached your limit for growth then you won’t move. If you reached your limit and feel you need to keep pushing you will look outside your current workplace. Growth is a part of life, it’s up to you if you want to continue growing and moving forward with anything in your life. 

“Life is about moving on, accepting changes and looking forward to what makes you stronger and more complete”

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Long Back Shorty

So if you follow me on twitter you know I show love to different sized females. I love them all honestly but this topic will touch on something I discussed with this girl I took out. So we went out and I held the door open for her and followed her into the restaurant. She then said “You only held the door open for me to look at my ass.” I was so appalled by her statement. Why can’t I just hold the door open for you? The nicest thing to do, I would think. I told her next time she can open the door for herself and I will just close it behind me. 

Any way back to the topic, yes as a guy I won’t deny I will look at a girl’s ass. If you make it visible I will grade you. Just like girl’s grade guys on every little thing when they meet them. As a guy we are simple, “Oh how that ass looking? Can she dress? Is she clean? Cool we will figure out the rest moving forward.” Some guys might have different grading methods but those are the basics. The grading process between guys and girls will be another topic so let’s continue. No matter what we will take a glance and act like we didn’t, if you make it visible we will look. Now the shorty with the long back doesn’t have much of a chance in this game but she still get love. No matter if her back touches her ankles. If you trying too hard to have something you really don’t have its bad. Just accept what you have and move on.

I went to an event in the city a couple weeks ago and I saw someone with butt pads. She was throwing it back like it was hers but it did not fit her body. I asked her and she said that guys like girls with a fat ass so she decided to wear them. Do you think about what happens if you get a guy based off the butt pads or nah? Accept your long back and don’t care what people think.
“Love the life you live. Live the life you love”

Education. . .Career. . .Relationship

I have had a lot of conversations with different people on their views on these 3 topics. I brought up the idea you can only focus on 2 of these at a time and can’t have all 3. Not saying you can’t have all 3 but 2 of them will have your primary focus and the 3rd will kind of just be in the back of your mind. More so if it happens, you will go with the flow of it.

No matter what one of these will be on hold or you will not pay that much attention to. The reasoning for that is either A) you already have it established and don’t need to work on it and/or B) you are just winging it and whatever falls into your plate you will deal with. The 2 focuses that most people start off with are education and career, then they end off with career and relationship. Which makes sense but others always find their own paths in life. 

I know people who have maintained these 3 items but it was difficult. When it comes to each one of them the main thing that applies is time. Time to study, do homework, graduate. Time to search for a job, edit your resume, interview. Time to show someone you appreciate them, dinner dates, see them. Each one of them comes down to the time that you have. If you have the time you can make it for all of these things. It is your choice to determine what road you want to take and whatever makes you feel comfortable. 

Review the things in your life and ask yourself “Have I ever successfully had all 3 items at one time?”

“It’s your road and yours alone, others may walk it with you, but no one can walk it for you.”