The pigment that gives human skin, hair, and eyes their color. Dark-skinned
people have more melanin in their skin than light-skinned people have. script/main/art.asp? articlekey=4340
Honestly, I hate people who say they
dislike their skin color or just anything about themselves. I understand that
the world is crazy and that you are provided more privilege if your skin color
is different but lets be serious. If you dislike something about yourself, like
your skin color, that says a lot about you. You need to re-evaluate your life.
You are going to love my skin color and
accept me for me. I love me enough to know that just because we are different,
that we are still the same and that we are all human. With all the craziness
happening in this world we need to sit down and make sure we love ourselves
before we love another. They may hate our skin color but as long as you love it
that’s all that matters. We are all created different and must accept the fact
that we all live in this world. The fact that we can’t even coexist because of
skin color still throws me for a loop. Just because I have more melanin then
some people doesn’t mean you should hate me. Get to know me and you might
realize we have a lot in common.
Before saying, “I hate the color of my
skin” make sure that you don’t hate yourself. If you hate yourself, I will
completely understand but if you don’t think about what you said. Sometimes we
are put in situations where people make us feel ugly, hate ourselves, bully us
because of the color of our skin. As long as you love yourself and know that
you are the most incredible person in the world you will be fine. It’s more
then what is on the surface but what's in your mind and how you view yourself.
“Love the skin you’re in”
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