Saturday, September 3, 2011

The Option (Part 1)

I know that everyone has experienced of either being an option or having options. This topic will just touch on having options in your life. 

Sometimes when people go through certain things in their lives they always want to have a backup plan. For example, Job number 1 is not providing enough money guess I am gonna go to job number 2 and see if that offers me more. This is called having an option. When it comes to relationships and people in general some people think it’s good to have options, while others hate to be considered an option. This topic basically will touch on having options while part 2 will touch on being an option.

I feel that everyone starts to develop the tendency of having options when something bad happens to them in a relationship or someone used them as an option. Better to be safe than sorry right? Why not have a bunch of options just in case option numbers 1-3 can’t meet up or do what you want them to. At least you got option number 4 right? Some people feel as though having back up plans is great but what happens when options get attached? Or start playing the “Claim Game”? (Refer to Nov 5, 2010 topic if you don’t know what the “Claim Game” is) What is the next step for you?

Most times when options get attached, first step is usually to cut them off especially if you’re not feeling the same way. Saves you from drama and problems, but what if you start getting feelings for an option then what’s the next step? Do you see where it goes and drop your other options? Do you stop playing games and get serious? Only you will know. We actually live in a day an age where people have many options and are not tied down to one person. Everyone is trying to enjoy their lives with as many experiences as possible. Think about it though, if you get attached to an option and they get attached to you, maybe it’s time to give up the games and see what might happen.

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