Another day another topic to discuss with people and see what they think about it. You ever have those people in your life that do just “TOOOOOO” much. Instead of just taking that extra step, they go an extra mile just because. I get told I do too much sometimes in the sense of helping people and making sure they are happy. Is this bad? I don’t think so, it’s just me being myself and assisting others just because they needed help. To some people doing too much annoys them, just because literally you’re always going that extra mile to make sure everything is okay. Sometimes though you get those people who say “Yo you do too much just stop.” That’s pretty much just telling you to tone down what you do or just stop doing it all together. When someone says that what do you do?
You have to realize it isn’t an off and on switch, and that without most of these people going that extra mile you wouldn’t be able to do most of the things you do on a regular. This is an experiment I did maybe a month or so ago where I just stopped doing “too” much and worried about myself. It was about a 1-2 week experience because of 6 people telling me I do “too” much and that I needed to stop so I did. The outcome of this experiment is that I was a jerk; I didn’t care to listen to anyone’s problems, I was worried about me and me alone, I didn’t care about what anyone was going through or their feelings, I wasn’t at all supportive on peoples endeavors and communication with people was dead to me. Ten times out of ten people regret what they say especially if the changes affect them and they are not use to it.
Moral of this story is just be yourself, if people start to think that your doing “too” much is a problem stop for awhile and see how they feel about it. It’s more so how you feel about it than them. You can’t change who you are just because people say things just learn to accept who you are and BE YOURSELF!!