Thursday, August 26, 2010

The MiddleMan: A Male's Perspective

The MiddleMan . . . . we have all heard this term or have been one in some sense when going about our daily routine. The MiddleMan refers to many different things but most commonly for relationships, hooking people up or friends fighting. You know you always have someone be the mediator for one of your endeavors whether it be trying to hook you up with a friend, fixing a friendship or even a relationship. You don’t necessarily need a MiddleMan but no matter what someone will be considered a MiddleMan.

When you trying to get with someone you always got that middle person to try and direct the other person towards your direction. This is sometimes how the conversations turn out.

Dude1: Hey yo you know that chick

MiddleMan: Yeah man I went to school with her she mad cool why?

Dude1: Yo put me on she mad cute

MiddleMan: Ight I got you

MiddleMan: Hey Girl1 I wanta introduce yo to my people, Dude1

Girl1: Hey

This is when MiddleMan slowly drifts away and let them talk and blah blah blah for the next however long they want to talk for, while MiddleMan stands awkwardly to the side either texting or finding someone to talk to.

(One week into talking)

Dude1: Yo does she talk about me son? Send her a text and find out if she likes me

MiddleMan: Ight

MiddleMan: Yeah man you got her feeling some type of way

Dude1: Word!

MiddleMan sometimes is the person you can rely on in situations like this because you know they got you for anything. Same example would work for your female friend if she was your so called “MiddleMan” and you wanted her to hook you up with her friend she definitely holds you down with that, that’s if she is a dope ass female friend. For guys make sure that you have a FEMALE as a MiddleMan because they are the best in the WORLD!! They tell you everything and literally soften the chick up to like you more. Not saying that your boys ain't good but a female MiddleMan is the best because they always want to see you happy, especially if they think your a good person.

Another example of being the MiddleMan is when your friends are beefing and they pretty much want you to pick a side, be the messenger for the whole conflict or help resolve it. This is when it really really sucks to be the MiddleMan because you really don’t want to be involved, but you just want the conflict to end. You just want things to go back to the way they where, so we all can just be friends again. You get those messages like “Tell your friend they need to come get there stuff out of my room for I just throw it out the window” or “You should tell “THAT” person they should be apologizing to me for being so dam phony.” Friendship arguments are usually petty as is but those are the type of things you really don’t want to be a part of but it happens that way a lot because your friends with both people. You get dragged into everything no matter what.

Being the MiddleMan for relationship problem sucks SOOOO BADLY especially if these two people you thought had a decent relationship. You see sides of people you don’t really want to see and look at them differently. Sometimes it makes you just want to make sure your able to fix it because one person is talking in your ear about missing the other, loosing focus from life and just wanting to make everything right. While the other person is pretty much kind of doing the same thing, so you sit there trying not to get involved but there already spilling their guts out to you so that makes you immediately involved. In these types of situations you got to have a lot of trust in the person you have as your MiddleMan because you hope whatever they are saying isn’t going to the wrong people. For example if one of my peoples is asking me for advice and telling me they miss someone, you’re not supposed to rely that information to someone outside the circle. Someone who has no clue what’s going on with their relationship should not be involved, then this is when rumors and bullshit spread. We all know how rumors go, when they get back to you there all twisted and completely wrong. So this refers to my other topic “It isn’t what your HEARD it’s what you KNOW!!” get your facts straight.

I think to be a MiddleMan for a relationship and actually make it positive and work out is the best feeling ever because it feels like you just won and are unbeatable. If you lose its like dam, “FUCK” I tried my hardest I’m sorry I apologize a million times over and then you kind of feel slumped because you had an obligation to help and you failed. So it’s a win or lose situation.

**Disclaimer** No more than 1 MiddleMan at a time, 2 opinions is not always better than one DEPENDING on the situation (especially when it comes down to your relationship). Opinions always vary on certain things. OPEN YOUR EARS AND LISTEN, MiddleMan isn’t there to babysit you and hold your hands through the whole process so make sure if they tell you to stop being stubborn and man-up (or woman-up) just do it.

**The MiddleMan: A Female's Perspective coming out soon written by one of my female friends =)


  1. hahaha i have 2 female "middleman" this is dope sooo tru ahah

  2. you never fail to disappoint me! but also you know what sucks when you are the middleman by default! What if you are the female middleman and dude asks you to hook him up with your friend and YOU'RE the one that likes him?! it SUCKS!

    "OPEN YOUR EARS AND LISTEN, MiddleMan isn’t there to babysit you and hold your hands through the whole process so make sure if they tell you to stop being stubborn and man-up (or woman-up) just do it."

    My favorite part of the whole post.. cuz its completely TRUE!

  3. LMAO foreal!! default BS smdh . . .


  5. dam well i think we need to be put into that situation so we can learn and grow from it
