Friday, May 27, 2016

This Tea Though (2)

So I was reading this article about a 15 year old girl getting a train ran on her by 25 dudes from her school. If you don’t know what a train is please google it. My thing is that shit is wild to think that these kids from this generation have no boundaries on what they do. The other thing got me thinking about a chick I use to date that had a train ran on her. Before you judge me, let me spill some of this tea about myself for you
Back in my younger years I was dating this girl that was pretty dope. I always do research when I get to know people. You know the normal background check like see if we have mutual friends, what can people tell me about her, google some information and stalk her social media sites for a bit. This time around I wanted to try something different. I wanted to just go with the flow and hope for the best. **PSA** Do your research in the beginning to save you the trouble.

I will have to tell you now that was the stupidest decision I made just because we were six months in and I wanted to make her my girlfriend. I went to ask my friends about her and they gave me the tea. Come to find out she had a couple trains ran on her and she was well known for her loose vagina. I was so hurt about all this new information I received. I felt so blindsided and thought she would have told me about this in the beginning. I mean she told me that she really liked sex and did some stuff in undergrad but c’mon tell me. It would have been good to know this information in the beginning so I could have walked away without wasting my time. Everyone is not perfect but you have to set some type of boundaries on the people you allow yourself to be with. I told her I needed a break to figure out some things. This is when she became clingy and wouldn’t stop blowing up my phone. This is when I quickly exited stage left and disappeared from her life forever. My fallback game is on superman levels, trust me. I could see you in public and act like you never existed.

Not shaming her or anything I am just giving you advice. Do your research before dating someone and ask all the questions. It’s better to know before you get involved with them and find out later. Knowing is better than not knowing and investing time only to lose it. I try not to spill tea on myself but sometimes it happens. 

“Your best teacher is your last mistake”

Sunday, May 22, 2016

Music For The Moment: Before Summer 16

With the seasons my music always changes especially when new music comes out. Trying to listen to a bunch of new things before the summer officially hits. With the summer comes music that literally considered “summer tunes” and that you are going to have on replay. I tell everyone to broaden the music that you absorb so no matter where you go you will have fun. I am capable of going to different places with my friends and having a great time with them no matter what is playing. Yes sometimes they over play songs on the radio at parties but sometimes they don’t play all the good music that has been released. You never know what good music you will miss out on. 

So before the summer officially hits I would suggest listening to some tunes and adding them to your playlist. Sometimes you just want to vibe out with your team or just your significant other. You should have a playlist for different situations. As I shared before my Spotify playlists are provided below. 

PreGame Mix (click here) - This is the play list that gets me turnt up all the time when I am on vacation or just hitting the gym.

Draking and Driving (click here) - When you are in the car alone and just want to be in your feelings. Trust me you will be in your feelings with this one.

Some of the good vibes I would suggest are provided below. I really like R&B music so I will always be a sucker for those good tunes. 

Rihanna ANTI - (Jan 27) still bumps even though she is considered R&B/Pop I find some of her music really good

Kanye West - The Life of Pablo (Feb 17) Is an amazing piece of artwork presented by Kanye. You will definitely find a tune to bump on a long ride with this one. 

Future - Evol (Feb 6) I have yet to be disappointed by Future. He is always switching it up and releasing good music you can have fun to.

Kendrick Lamar - untitled unmastered (March 4)Was unexpected and amazing at the same dam time. 

dvsn - Sept. 5th (March 27) not a lot of people know of this artist but they should. Just be warned you will be Draking and Driving to his music.

Beyonce - Lemonde (April 23) Beyonce is literally in her own music catergory and her work is always flawless. As a man I just have to applaud her for her story telling capabilities and greatness.

Drake - Views (April 29) I personally don't know what type of album this is just because Drake can either be R&B or Rap but I wasn't too impressed by this one. If he had a couple hard tunes in this one I would have been okay but I was too busy in my feelings for this one. 

Corinne Bailey Rae - The Heart Speaks in Whispers (May 13) I have missed Corinne for so long and I am extremely happy she is back. Her new album is definitely a must if you haven't already heard it.

Mr. Wes - What is Love? (May 13) If you are trying to be in your feelings turn this on and grab yourself some wine. This will have you feeling all of your feelings.

 Sorry for the long list but so much has been released in 2016 that you really can't listen to all of it. I am not a big mixtape guy but you have to check some of the ones I provided below. I get it, mixtapes are free albums but mixtapes allow a different type of music to be heard then what is customary on albums released for commercial listen. Albums always have some type of restriction while mixtapes you are able to really listen to the artist creating the music.

Inf_Red - Pushing Up Daisies, This mixtape has an early 90s type of feel and the lyrics just flow. You hear the lyrics and feel the music.

Chance The Rapper - The Coloring Book, This pure elixir of greatness I really can't get enough of. This is on repeat for the next couple of weeks.(exclusive to Apple music)

When searching for new music or increasing your library always try to listen to new things. Sometimes it takes more then one listen to actually like something. I notice when I listen to something and I don't pick it up immediately I need a few more listens to pass judgement. I am not a music critic, I just like what I like. Good music always finds a way to you.

If it sounds good, it is good. - Duke Ellington

#TravelWitLoso Presented By @Goyard_Unlimited

Talking with one of my friends about traveling he decided that he would do a quick travel journal on his snapchat(kingcairo25) and instagram(@Goyard_Unlimited). The best thing to do is share your many experiences with the people around you. Especially if you will be in multiple places in a short amount of time. Yes people post things they do on social media every day but if it’s something new you’ve never seen it will peek your interest. When you have the opportunity to share a new view point of the world why not?

A travel journal using social media I think is pretty cool. Most people can see what you are seeing and decide if they like the place as well. You walk around a city or a new area and show them the little sites that randomly pop up on your journey. They might go somewhere that you have been but they show you something you’ve never seen before. This always makes you want to go to the same area and maybe look up other attractions that are near by. A good idea that he also decided to do is add a hashtag (#TravelWitLoso) so you could easily see his other travel pics. Using hashtags is a monster in itself but it definitely helps you broaden your scope.You just need to #HashtagEverything.

You only have one life to live so it’s best to experience new things as much as possible. If you’re traveling to a new city it only takes you 2 seconds to google something new in this area and explore it. Sometimes you’ll find something amazing and unexpected that you are able to experience and share with others. Create your own hashtag and just live life.

“Travel while you’re young and able. Don’t worry about the money, just make it work. Experience is far more valuable than money will ever be.”

Sunday, May 15, 2016


Have you ever taken a moment to go through people’s social media and see the hashtags they have posted under pics? It will take you on an adventure that your clearly aren’t ready for. You can search anything via hashtags and are able to see the number of things that people are using hashtags for. Sometimes the hashtags don’t relate to the topic but it’s just interesting to see. Whenever I am traveling or going somewhere I don’t look up the place I search the hashtag. This allows me to search for parties, restaurants and different events going on in that area. You would be surprised to know that people hashtag everything. 

I know a major marketing tool for some industries is to use hashtags and when events happen tell everyone to post pics using hashtags. I went to my friends baby shower this past weekend and they asked everyone to use a specific hashtag. They had a monitor that showed the pics people posted with the hashtag. Technology has come a long way and it’s great that we can tie in different situations/experiences with a hashtag for further viewing. Sometimes instead of going through my social media timeline I go through hashtags that are posted by people to see how they view the world. 

As technology continues to evolve the method for accessing things will change with it. Are you ready to grow with it? Create your own hashtag for life and live it. You never know what you might see and who might see it but get up and hashtag everything.

"You just have to create your own sunshine"

Wednesday, May 4, 2016


Routine is defined as a customary or regular course of procedure or in simple terms a regular procedure that you do often. We have many routines we perform daily with people around us and just in our daily lives. Each routine that we have with someone or a group of people is a bond that we’ve created with them. For example with my friends I am either the one saying, “next trip?”, sending funny videos or sending positive energy. When you are taken out of your routine, what do you normally do? If I was to stop sending positive energy, funny videos or asking about the next trip how do you think my friends would feel? To just immediately stop something that is associated with me amongst my friends. “Kevin stop sending positive energy, what’s going on with him?” It just messes with the flow of the world and the routine you are accustomed to. That bond we shared is gone because I decided to no longer do it. Sometimes a routine is lost because of other circumstances. You stopped dating someone or you lost someone in your life. In my case one of my routines I no longer have after my sister’s accident. 

I personally have been out of sync with a lot of things that I am use to. My sister waking me up in the middle of the night to tell me some random story. Me going out and coming home to tell my sister about a trip I took. Some elaborate plan I had for saving additional money to go on a trip. That bond we share is no longer available. I find myself crying often because I no longer have that routine I am accustomed to. I haven’t really been out as of late because personally everything is like hitting me. I would get dressed, ask her how my outfit looks and then she would scream,” looking good best friend” then I would be on my way. It’s not that I cry often with certain things it’s just like if it’s the first time going back to it and knowing I can’t talk to her about it, really hurts. Hurts everyday that the person I would go to for a lot of things is no longer around. I know some of my other family members and her friends still may not feel it. They expect her to come in the door and give them a hug or shoot them a text saying “I miss you.” Having a routine with someone close to you that is no longer available is like walking into an empty room waiting for someone to bring things in. Just forever waiting for the space to be filled. 

It will take a lot of time to get back to the person I once was. Sometimes I do ignore people only because I never want to feel like a burden. Reaching the lowest point in my life, only time can fix things. I am happy I surround myself with great people that I have created that bond with and noticed that “our” routine has hit a bump in the road. The routine you have with someone is that special bond you created with them. Never let it go and never allow others to try and fill it. It’s the special thing that you have with that individual.

"I believe certain people cross your life as guardian angels and some connections can't be explained off words alone. It's a soul thing, a feeling"