You ever just wake up and just feel sometimes that you just want to escape? Just escape from work, school, responsibilities, problems, life and just disappear into your thoughts. Just sit in your thoughts and get clarity on what is really going on around you. We tend to rush or let situations guide our decisions without first sitting down and really thinking about them. Sometimes we become overwhelmed with a lot of things that we forget to take a step back and analyze. When we become overwhelmed with situations around us it is always good to just escape and evaluate “What's a priority and what isn’t a priority.”
The best decisions are made when you have a clear mind. When you escape into your thoughts and you analyze the situation. Just having an escape from reality relaxes your thoughts and lets you just evaluate everything currently on your plate. I have learned that you can’t escape everything and will always need to get back to it but it gives you a moment to breathe. Sometimes all we need is a moment or just a way to slow down everything that is going on around us. Some people find their escape in music or books. Others create their own escape from the world. I feel that everyone needs some type of escape just to gain clarity and not be bothered with the outside world. If you know me then you know my escape is my “cave”. I like to be away from the world to get my thoughts together and not deal with any problems. Your escape is a way of running away without really running away. It’s like your summer home where you can just relax, be away from your problems and determine your next move. You can’t let everything or everyone follow you wherever you go because this is YOUR escape. Everyone wants to escape sometimes.
" Everyone has a way out. . . a way to escape . . .a place to go to. . . be free from pain, stress, despair, people and just life. We all just need an escape to evaluate everything and relax."
“I think of life as a good book. The further you get into it, the more it begins to make sense.” ~Harold Kushner
Saturday, June 15, 2013
Sunday, June 2, 2013
The state
or quality
of being loyal; faithfulness to commitments
or obligations.
loyalty. (n.d.).
Unabridged. Retrieved June 02, 2013, from website:
After defining our topic, lets get into
what exactly loyalty is. People always bring up loyalty when you are not able to
do something for them or you do something with another friend. Why is it when
something doesn’t go our way we question’s someone’s loyalty? Should we already
know where other people’s loyalties lie? Should we know where our loyalties
already lie? I feel that loyalty goes hand in hand when creating “circles” or
“friend circles”. You should be able to establish certain things and know if
someone really has loyalty for you. You will never know immediately because
everything takes time. Loyalty is something that takes time and is earned.
People think just cause you are friends that loyalty has been established, in
most cases yes, other cases no. Don’t ever think (or assume) that just because
you’ve known someone for some time they have loyalty for you. As humans we are
all the same, but different when it comes to loyalty for others.
One way loyalty is tested is when 2 of your friends are no
longer friends and they both don’t want you to hang out with the other person.
This happens a lot and in some cases it damages a lot of friendships. Even though
one person thinks you should have more loyalty to them then the other person
ultimately its your decision. No one should tell you where your loyalty should
be placed. Other times they will hold something over your head like “oh
remember that time your car broke down and I came to pick you up?” When people
start to hold things over your head like this, is when you really have to take
a step back and think about your friendship\relationship with that individual. If
you have to hold something over my head to make me pick sides, I won’t and I’ll
question your friendship for bringing things up from the past.
What sets some people apart is the loyalty they have for
others. People that know that no matter what they can depend on you because of
your loyalty. You always have to appreciate those people who have loyalty for
you. Never take loyalty for granted and cherish those people who drop whatever
they are doing to be a good person for you.
“One of the things that makes me who I am is the loyalty I
have to people I hold close to my heart”
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